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Alternative Education Magazine Issue 16: Forest Schools book - Kolektif - Yeni İnsan Yayınları

Alternative Education Magazine Issue 16: Forest Schools book - Kolektif - Yeni İnsan Yayınları
Brand Yeni İnsan Yayınevi
156,45 TL
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This period, in which the contextual transformation of the education models followed by the world as an extension of capitalism and neo-liberal education policies took place and was immediately adopted on a global scale, affected Turkey as well as other world countries. Today, when we have been using the earth's resources recklessly since the Industrial Revolution and are now in search of new things, nature-based early childhood education appears with many different concepts in many parts of the world. Of course, the reflections of the diversity that comes with this awareness are starting to resonate in our country.

Forest pedagogy, which adopts as a principle the raising of children as citizens who are in harmony with the world, aware of the place they live in and who have the right to say about the place they live in, should have a relationship with a world based on justice and happiness that Polish writer and pedagogue Janusz Korczak wants to establish for children.
The perspective on the child adopted by forest pedagogy is perhaps due to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child created after the October Revolution in 1917, the awareness of children and childhood after the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child was declared in 1959, and the valuing of children as individuals in 1989, which is also spread by this dream. They are the cores of powerful energy. Today, we agree that children's ideas should be valued, they should be accepted as independent individuals, and they should have the right to have a say in matters that concern them, even if they cannot be fully transferred to practice environments. In addition, we work together and make a high level of effort to determine the interests and needs of children within the framework of their rights to education and development, to help them learn and acquire various skills. We are proud to share the same feelings with people who believe that children have a bond with the rest of the world (all lands and water bodies), who see the child and the geography they live in as a whole and contribute to this in order to develop this bond. However, as adults, we are aware that our greatest responsibility as we accompany children on their paths is to develop the bonds that children have established with all communities in the land they belong to.

Thanks to the educational practices we will create together with virtuous teachers who adopt the Forest School Approach and respect the autonomy, self-esteem and identity of the learners, as Freire mentioned, we observe that a new era has begun for Turkey, especially in early childhood education, and the alternative education approaches are becoming stronger and more widespread day by day. We realize that teachers intend to shake the power of the authoritarian classroom environment by adopting some pedagogical principles and the "Forest School" approach, which is still new for our country. Seeing the existence of parents and teachers who are interested in the basic teachings of this approach and want to learn the approach in detail provides us with great motivation as we carry out our work. We dream of being able to bring back the spirit of the time we lived in as the "child of the neighborhood" in our country. Our promise to today's children, as a generation that has thoroughly experienced the existence of other species other than the "human" species; Maybe the excitement with which we embrace birds, insects and trees would be enough. We want today's wonderful children to experience the feeling of being a child of the soil and to cross paths with bees and robins. Let him feel when he hears the name of the blackbird, let him know mimosas, let him step in rivers. Let them see, hear and feel the power of a single tree and the freedom of being one... Let them be surrounded by adults who create opportunities for all of these to happen.
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