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Our Story

AZKarbon Hikayemiz

We set out with the dream of establishing a shopping site where all products and services from A to Z aim to reduce carbon emissions, and we founded AZKarbon. As İnci Holding, we believe that a cleaner and greener world is possible through developing technologies.

We know that the future lies in renewable energy sources, and we bring you together with companies at AZKarbon to make it easier for you to access these clean energy solutions.

We find and bundle energy-efficient products and services to help you save money and fight climate change at the same time.

We welcome you to AZKarbon to protect your pocket, the environment and your future.

İnci Holding

Founded in 1952 by Cevdet İnci with İncitaş, İnci Holding is today one of the leading companies in the global automotive industry.

Founded with 100% Turkish capital, İNCİ HOLDİNG today operates with 3000 employees and 10 companies, mainly in the automotive supply industry, services, technology sectors and social responsibility areas, and today exports 60% of its products to more than 100 countries.

As a family-owned company governed by corporate governance principles, İnci Holding continues its development with its contributions to the Turkish economy. İnci Holding has renewed its vision of "transferring company value to new generations by multiplying it through international investments in the business areas of the future".

Our values: We are respectful, we add value, we continuously improve, and we are result-oriented.

Our Ethical Principles: İnci Group has reached where it is today by maintaining its visionary stance towards the future and its values from the past. İnci Group's most valuable asset is its name and the employees who keep this name alive.

One of the most important qualities represented by this name is our company's reputation for honesty, fairness and reliability. This reputation stems from our shared values and, in particular, the rigour with which we conduct our operations accurately and transparently.